
Sunday, December 11, 2011

Operation Fast And Furious | Anarchadia


And here is America’s first black President, doing what every white President did before him. He oppresses poor colored people, not only in America, but the World; not to mention every other non descript debt slave earning under $10,000,000. He especially helps corruption flourish, instead of taking a stance for the American people, and the many activists (fighting for a real cause) who are being censored. It’s not as if they wouldn’t protect Obama if he took their side. A true American President would be clamored for depenalizing all drugs, and making them generic. There would screams of relief heard across the World, by people who have had to carry the burden of over-priced Pharmaceutical Companies. It would heal a lot of people, such as AIDs, or even legalize a drug which can end Drug Dependance to any substance. That would be what the “ethical Capitalism” Obama spoke of when he first stepped on to a Presidential podium, would have looked like. Not this continuation of Imperialist Policies which have enriched NATO Countries and their Corporations/Elites, far beyond their 180 other neighbors. Obama works for the richest people in this World. He protects the Corporations, as do the other Demagogues of this World. He covertly gets his buddies out of trouble, just like every other white/corrupt President before him

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:Operation Fast And Furious | Anarchadia

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