
Monday, December 12, 2011

Fast and Furious | Gun-Control Agenda | ATF Officials | The Daily Caller


Emails from inside the Department of Justice appear to indicate Obama administration officials were plotting to use the consequences of Operation Fast and Furious to further a gun-control agenda.

Sharyl Attkisson of CBS News reported Wednesday that the emails show agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) discussing how they would use Fast and Furious to “argue for controversial new rules about gun sales.”

“ATF officials didn’t intend to publicly disclose their own role in letting Mexican cartels obtain the weapons, but emails show they discussed using the sales, including sales encouraged by ATF, to justify a new gun regulation called ‘Demand Letter 3,’” Attkisson reported. “That would require some U.S. gun shops to report the sale of multiple rifles or ‘long guns.’ Demand Letter 3 was so named because it would be the third ATF program demanding gun dealers report tracing information.”

In the emails CBS News acquired, lead Fast and Furious agent Bill Newell and ATF Field Operations Assistant Director Mark Chait discussed how to use the scandal’s aftermath to promote the long-gun reporting requirement for multiple sales.

The Daily Caller has reported extensively on what Illinois Republican Rep. Joe Walsh has called Attorney General Eric Holder’s “undercurrent” of using Fast and Furious to promote gun control. Walsh was among the first members of Congress to call for Holder’s resignation. There are now 52 House members, two senators, four presidential candidates and two sitting governors in that camp.

“The attitude that he took toward the young man who was killed … was troubling,” Walsh said, during a Nov. 15 press conference, referring to slain U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry. “And, then, there’s this undercurrent of his call — his advocacy — for more gun control, a problem of our guns going south of the border when our own government, led by him, was complicit in that. He needs to be held accountable.”

Read more link below

Fast and Furious | Gun-Control Agenda | ATF Officials | The Daily Caller

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